Thursday, June 29, 2006

I´m one in a million *sehr freu*

22. Juni ....leider leicht verspätet

Dear Manuela,

With just five days to the United Nations Small Arms Review Conference, you’re now one in a million!

Thanks to you and 999,999 others, today we passed our target in the Control Arms Million Faces petition.

Five days to go until the United Nations conference on small arms

An important moment for the Control Arms campaign is coming up in just five day’s time, when we hand over the Million Faces petition to the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Governments from around the world will meet for two weeks at the United Nations Small Arms Review Conference, to discuss the global arms trade. Control Arms campaigners will be demanding that governments back tough global principles on arms transfers and agree to an international Arms Trade Treaty at the United Nations in October.

Million faces in parliaments around the world
In the last two weeks your face and 999,999 others have been delivered to Prime Ministers, Presidents and parliamentarians around the world, as governments make final preparations for the Small Arms Review Conference. In Sri Lanka, the Million Faces petition was carried on an elephant to a meeting with government ministers!

Fotos, and read more here


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